FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: University Ward Councillor, Shaun Cameron has announced this morning that he will seek re-election this fall.
Dear Neighbours,
I’m happy to share that this fall I intend to seek re-election as the Councillor for the University Ward in the City of Brandon.
When I was first elected in 2018, I sought a seat on city council to be a voice for residents of the neighbourhood I grew up in and am now raising a family in along with my wife Karol. I committed to being a tireless advocate for building our community, being responsive to the needs of our neighbourhood, and providing leadership and guidance on fostering a safe and affordable place that people want to call home. This is something I hope to continue through 2026.
These past number of years have been some of the most challenging times in our history, and the personal sacrifice made by so many people is something that proves the indomitable spirit of our community is strong. That spirit is the reason our community did not waver and is something I will be forever proud of. That spirit is also part of what has brought me and my family to the decision to again seek the privilege of serving our community as a member of council. I believe, without question, in the potential of Brandon.
If given the chance to again serve our neighbourhood, I look forward to being part of the recovery post-pandemic, I look forward to leading during a time of resurgence and growth in our community, I look forward to ensuring cultural entities continue to be viable and strong, and I look forward to continuing to improve essential services like drainage, water treatment, flood mitigation, streets and roads, parks and pathway growth, downtown engagement, and improving our transit system; all services we as a community have come to depend on.
I will have more specific platform announcements in the weeks and months to come as well as ways to become involved, but I wanted to be sure to share this good news with you early. There are many miles left to travel this term, and I look forward to continuing to make decisions that position our city for success now and into the future.
All my best,

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